Col Sandago се намира в престижната провинция Тревизо, сгушен сред зашеметяващите хълмове на D.O.C.G. Регион Конелиано Валдобиадене. Сортът Glera, който се отглежда тук, се възползва от химическите и физическите особености на земята.
Изложението, наклоните, надморската височина и микроклимата допринасят за високото качество на продукта.
Отличните вина, произведени в района Valdobbiadene-Conegliano, го правят един от най-важните райони за производство на пенливо вино в Италия и света.
Отличната храна, изкуството и културата на този трудолюбив народ заедно с тихата обстановка допринасят за създаването на елегантна обстановка, изпълнена с аромати и вкусове.
Основното производство на Col Sandago е Prosecco. Използваната система за обучение е Sylvoz.
Гъстотата на засаждане на лози Prosecco е около 3500 лози на хектар, за среден добив от 130 кинтала на хектар.
Гроздето от тези лози се използва за производството на Prosecco Superiore Extra Dry Conegliano Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G “Case Bianche”, Brut “Vigna del Cuc” Conegliano Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G. и “Brusolé”, пенливо плодово вино.
В допълнение към производството на традиционни пенливи вина Prosecco, има „Undici“, брилянтно и леко Prosecco Superiore Dry Rive di Susegana, обогатено с ароматите на грозде Glera, и „Costa dei Falchi“ Prosecco Superiore Extra Brut Rive di Susegana.
Create a moment of pleasure and inspiration to search for the highest quality. Our mission is multi-layered and can be adapted to all our partners.
For our users:
Creating a moment of pleasure and inspiration in the search for the highest quality, using our products and our experience.
For our associates:
Creating a moment of pleasure and inspiration in search of the highest quality, work with respect and dedication.
For the environment:
Creating a moment of pleasure, working with respect for the environment and the world in which we live.
Hausbrandt Trieste 1892 SpA is a winner because it is represented by a team of people who work in accordance with the tradition of the family business and the ideas that guarantee our success to this day, with a clear strategy to keep winning. Every day we are committed to creating products, services and solutions for consumers that offer very high added value and unquestionable quality, ensuring the best brand experience while respecting the environment and the world around us.
Cooperation in the search for the best possible result.
Build solid relationships between colleagues and build your daily life on trust between colleagues, attention to customer needs and proper management of the supply chain.
As a family company, we believe in the importance of maintaining and improving business for future generations.
Our commitment to the environment is evident in the way we manage all aspects of our business. By adopting sustainable practices that are environmentally friendly, economically feasible and socially just, we inspire our customers and suppliers to protect and preserve the environment.
Hausbrandt is a cohesive, passionate team, committed to the community in which we live and work, and we believe that by acting in a socially responsible way, we allow our planet to thrive. We are proud to be a leader in sustainable trade practices, social respect and environmental protection.
Talk politely to each other.
Listen to each other and be open to all points of view.
Showing the will to learn from each other, both from failures and from successes.
Don’t take instant success for granted or underestimate our competitors.
Giving great value to great ideas.
Challenging the conventional way of doing things – never be satisfied.
Work with passion and give your best every day.
Always focus on quality with attention to detail to create better products, processes and services of high value.